Sunday, March 15, 2009

Teaching Anger Management Techniques to Children

It seems that these days there is more of a need than ever to teach anger management techniques to our children. With the hectic pace of life in modern society, people have become very stressed and likely to erupt in anger at the slightest provocation. Sadly, children these days are also feeling the pressure, and as they witness how the grownups around them respond to certain situations, they are copying the anger response.

So it becomes imperative for adults to learn to deal more appropriately with their feelings of rage, and at the same time model this behavior to children. Anger management classes can teach some important techniques for dealing with this negative emotion to both children and adults alike. The focus in these classes is on learning the correct way to deal with any given situation. Children, however, will learn anger management techniques more effectively if they are taught in a more simplified manner. Pictures work well, for example. In truth, though, some adults could also benefit from a more literal approach to anger management.

Of course, learning anger management techniques for children should begin in the home. For example, there should be consequences for inappropriate behavior, such as being sent to their room or having to sit in a corner. Children will quickly learn from this that it's important to deal with their anger differently if they don't want to be punished. Most of them won't enjoy being isolated in such ways.

As children are taught anger management techniques, that's the first lesson. They have realized that something they have done is inappropriate and they are dealt with accordingly. From there, they have to be taught better ways to deal with their feelings of anger. For example, they can learn that a good way to manage their emotions is to just walk away in order to give them time to calm down. Children in particular forget events quickly and move on to the next situation with ease.

Another anger management technique for children you can try is giving them a time out. This only works if they are sufficiently mature to grasp the concept of dealing with their emotions. They need to learn that they have to understand the other person's point of view and not just insist on getting their own way. This only escalates the situation.

So there you have a few basic anger management tips for children. To summarize, use appropriate punishment when they act out on their anger; teach them to walk away from emotional situations; and help them to make the effort to understand both sides of the situation. Another useful tip that they can learn is to take deep breaths in these kinds of situations. This will help to lower their blood pressure and calm their mind.

They need to learn that they are the only ones who can handle the situation in the end, and they must figure out a way to keep their emotions in check.

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